Monday, November 19, 2007

Why do people participate in Kite Running/Kite Fighting?

In Afghanistan, the art of flying a kite is made into a lively sport called kite fighting. There are three main reasons why people in Afghanistan participate in kite fighting matches. They are tradition, fame, and enjoyment. Kite fighting has been a traditional sport in Afghanistan for over 2000 years. Before the war boys had regular kite fighting matches. When the war came, the Taliban banned Kite fighting. However, shortly after the Taliban left, Kites were flying in the skies again. It has now become a tradition to fly kites.

People who fly Kites professionally and win are treated like heroes and celebrities. They may even be approached to do commercial advertisements. Similar to the novel The Kite Runner, Amir gains the respect of his father by winning a kite fighting match.

Kite fighting represents freedom for the people in Afghanistan. It reminds them of life before the Taliban came. In Afghanistan, wherever there are kites, there is kite fighting. Young boys and old men alike enjoy the sport. Kite fighting is to Afghanistan, as baseball is to the U.S. It is something they will enjoy for years to come.

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